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ToothSketch Team

Podcast with Steve Campbell – Future of Dentistry

ToothSketch team is joined by Steve Campbell, President – Dental Laboratories Association, UK and Founder of Nexus Dental Laboratory, UK. Steve is one of the industry stalwarts with more than two decades of experience and started his own fully digital lab in 2015. In this podcast, Steve talks about how some of the labs in the UK have coped with the pandemic and some of the steps successful labs are taking to streamline their workflows… Read More »Podcast with Steve Campbell – Future of Dentistry

5 signs that you need to work with a specialized digital designing firm

Running a lab requires wearing multiple hats – managing clients, employees, finances as well as day to day timelines and production schedules. We understand what it takes to run a lab and sometimes it can be daunting task indeed.  The key thing here is to not get bogged down with daily granular activities and step back and look at your workflow strategically. Working with a digital design firm is one such way to streamline your… Read More »5 signs that you need to work with a specialized digital designing firm

The future of digital dentistry – Digital Workflow

Digital workflows are revolutionizing dentistry the way we know it. Over the last decade, these advances have become more and more affordable, consequently leading to a manifold increase in adoption rates, increasing prevalence and accessibility for everyone in the dental supply chain.